
it is known fact that children do their most important learning brfore the age of six. at this age,for kids each morning is dawn of another amazing adventure. considering this fact, our focus is not only one developing academic skills but also intellectual,emotional,physical,social and linguistic skills,that will ensure all round development of child.

we believe that children are active learners, who learn best from inter-acting with nature,children and adult,in child centered activities. junior SPIS provides caring,loving and trusting environment in which children can flourish as individual.aur child centric approach allows children to learn through play,by exploring their environment.
in order to simulate childs learning we provide opportunity to each child to grow and develop while learning and playing. love and affection are the hallmark of all the pursuits.

child friendly equipment,enticing toys and games at junior spis helps a child to listen and discover,imagine,and create.